This page holds all the planned events for the Hallam Art Group programme. Check here regularly for updates and details on forthcoming activities.
Click on an item to see more information!
Participating in planned events is optional. Members are free to progress their own projects during weekly meetings.
Click on Google Calendar or ICS link to add the event to your personal digital calendar.

Paint in the style of... Graham Sutherland
Paint in the style of... Graham Sutherland. A discussion of his work and the chance to try painting in his style.

Submission Night and Yellow posters
Submission Night and yellow exhibition poster painting.

HAG Exhibition, Botanical Gardens
HAG Exhibition, Dorothy Fox Education Centre, Botanical Gardens

HAG Exhibition, Botanical Gardens
HAG Exhibition, Dorothy Fox Education Centre, Botanical Gardens

HAG Exhibition, Botanical Gardens
HAG Exhibition, Dorothy Fox Education Centre, Botanical Gardens

Collage continued
Come and collage! Bring magazines, old paintings etc to cut up. (continued)

Still Life - Reflective Objects
A still life painting challenge - with highly reflective objects.

Solving Likeness Workshop
How to achieve a likeness when drawing a portrait. A hands on workshop

Life drawing
This is a life drawing session of an unclothed model. No other activities allowed on this evening.

Visit from Workshop57 for a Drypoint print workshop
Visit from Workshop57 for a Drypoint print workshop. Materials will be provided. arrive on time! This is the sort of print we will produce

DVD evening
Instead of a DVD, we will be looking at some of the best painting content from the Internet

Christmas Party!
Christmas Party! Food and games! General jollity! Bring a small amount of food. Drinks provided.

Mince pie challenge
Mince pie challenge – paint a mince pie in the style of a famous artist. See who can identify your inspiration! Bring a mince pie.

DVD evening: Quick and Clever Acrylics
DVD Evening with Ian Manifold: “Quick and Clever Acrylics” . Using acrylics in oil technique and in knife painting.

Christmas cards and tree decorations - also HCYA AGM
Christmas cards and tree decorations

Autumn Leaves
Autumn leaves – images using brusho or other background techniques, and autumn leaves

Submission night for November exhibition
Submission Night for our November exhibition
Bring your completed submission forms and a card for payment

Inktober progress
Inktober progress
A chance to see everyone's work so far and catch up on any missing days

Egon Schiele continued
Egon Schiele - continue painting in his style and see the work of other members

Egon Schiele - a close look
Egon Schiele - a look at what makes his work so dramatic and a chance to paint in his style

HAG Membership Fee Night (plus other stuff)
It's time to pay your annual HAG fees. Come along with a bank card! Also there will be a DVD presentation and more!

Watercolour workshop with Stephen Coates
Watercolour workshop Stephen Coates - booking required

HAG Annual General Meeting
Our annual AGM. Cheese and wine provided! Come with your comments and suggestions.

Art in the Gardens
One of Sheffield's biggest art shows. This weekend. Hope the weather is nice.